Youth basketball league in Garden Grove, CA
Bryan Gray: “I’m Bryan Gray, the head commissioner for Garden Grove youth basketball league. I’m here with my guy Marcus, he’s been a commissioner in the league for a long time, been a coach in the league for a long time. He’s going to let us know what he thought about the play offs and Championships this Fall season.”
Marcus Linture: “I’m Marcus Linture. I’m one of the other commissioners of the Garden Grove youth basketball league, we’re just wrapping up our play offs. One thing that I was really excited about was the atmosphere, all the games were close thanks to our commissioner Bryan here he made great schedules, great brackets, every game was a close game it was super intense. One thing I really enjoyed about today was the atmosphere.”
Bryan Gray: “We look forward to having a great ending to the playoffs tonight, got the last games going on right now. We’re excited about hosting the Winter Season thats coming up. Sign ups are still going on so, hopefully we’ll get a lot of teams looking like it’ll be a great season. Families usually really like our league. Players that like to play basketball really like our youth basketball league because you get indoor gym time for practice you get great competition and for the playoffs, we’re known for having the best playoffs because we group teams of similar levels into brackets and it makes for a really exciting playoffs. We look forward to seeing you in the Winter”