Open Gym Premier (OGP) provides camps, club teams, leagues, tournaments and training to dedicated basketball and volleyball players. OGP has earned a reputation for providing quality coaching and innovative, well-organized youth sports events. OGP continues to expand with programs and events across the West, serving over 75,000 players and 10,000 teams annually. Amidst this growth, management remains mission-centric, focused on helping amateur players and teams and revolutionizing the youth sports ecosystem.

Open Gym Premier is excited to add to its family of club locations with our newest location; Corona, CA. This new location marks OGP’s first geographical expansion to the Inland Empire. We are excited to serve the Corona area, and can’t wait for what’s in store.

We will be offering club teams, camps, clinics, and more all within Corona’s top facility, The Draft Sports Complex. Interested in joining? Our fall club team tryouts are right around the corner! Tryouts will take place on August 27th and 29th. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the inaugural fall season of OGP Corona.

Meet our Director, Ryan Hoegner, who will be leading the charge at OGP Corona! With over 20 years of experience, he has a proven track record of player development and teaching game-winning, team-oriented basketball. He is the founder of Friday Night Hoops, which was free to local elementary and middle school players and featured both instructional drills and open runs. With his strong ties to the community, we know he is an excellent fit to run OGP Corona.


With our multiple locations across Orange County and now Inland Empire, each location will have their own unique identity heading into this upcoming fall season. We are excited to give a sneak peek at what our upcoming uniform designs will look like! As if there weren’t enough reasons to join, these uniforms will definitely catch your eye.


The Winter Youth Basketball League will kick off at The Draft in December. Focus areas of our Youth Basketball League (YBL) are to learn foundational basketball skills while making new friends. Our league emphasizes positive competition, teamwork, and fair play. Players will build self-esteem and confidence all while preparing themselves for higher-level basketball. Who is a good candidate? Our league serves boys and girls, grades K-6th. No experience is required to join the league. Each player will receive a customized uniform (included in the price). One weekly practice and indoor game will take place throughout the duration of the league.

For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We look forward to seeing you at tryouts.